Saturday 31 December 2022


The dreamy clouds 

melt into the diminishing puddle of sky, 

and the blue fades away.

Day dream clouds;

make a wish,

set a goal,

say a prayer.

Thursday 22 December 2022

The God Delusion

God is just an old man, with a back story.

He is comfort food, for the masses.

His fanatical followers, form the cult of Christ,

giving them something bigger than themselves to believe.

God created the earth, so the story goes,

and then waited 4 billion years to create man?

He loved dinosaurs so much, he gave them

165 million years more than man, but who’s counting?

Certainly not his disciples.

He is the all powerful, omnipotent god,

amongst 5000, or so, other all powerful omnipotent gods.

He is so powerful, he can’t stop bad things happening to his followers.

He is known for barely concealed cannibalism, body & blood,

and infanticide, he killed his only son.

He really is a great guy.

Thursday 15 December 2022

Don’t Talk To Me About Fair

I had a mate die of AIDS, Fergus had a lovely view on life,

his boyfriend was a promiscuous rat-face little bitch

and Fergus decided to leave it in the hands of fate.

Stupidest decision he ever made.

My best friend Tom collapsed New Year’s Eve playing pool,

he hit his head as he went down, which didn’t heal as expected,

that tuned out to be leukaemia, which he fought for 10years.

But he didn’t win that battle, and I lost the best friend a boy could have.

I had a lovely friend Simon, funny as all get out. He liked to drink and smoke.

One night coming back home, he woke up in day light beside the road,

pissed off his brain he fell from his bike and apparently hit his head.

He had everything to live for, but that knock eventually caused him to chuck a rope up a tree and jump.

My first boyfriend Anthony, was smart and funny like the rest of them.

He immigrated from South Africa with his mother in his twenties, good effort,

Never quite getting the A jobs, and when he made a supreme effort to get re-qualified,

he failed and lost everything. He drank himself to death as a consequence.

I miss every one of them just about every day. It hardly seems fair that I was clever enough to make such wonderful friends who nourished me, and loved me,

only to have them taken away through no real fault of any of them. Okay, you could argue, but I don’t care about those arguments, I love them and miss them.

And some days I think the unfairness is me having to go on, while they get to rest it out,

me having to do the long haul, when I had the greatest group of guys to do it with,

but no, that’s not how life played out. So, don’t talk to me about fair, as I don’t want to hear it.

Thursday 8 December 2022


We are all sucked into the beginning,

when we all say, "I do,"

but it is how you feel at the end,

that is what it is really worth,

no matter how many jellybeans

you put in that jar.

Thursday 1 December 2022

The 21st Century,

when facts

were replaced by opinion,

which conservatives

would take to their graves

as gospel.