Sunday, 14 July 2024

All Of Us Friends 02

All those moments, all those friendship moments, when we had brilliant times together, all of us friends, over the years, all over the world, that passed, and are gone.

And the years sailed by, and they’re done and they’re over, all we have is what we remember, only fragments now.

Fleeting images of, all those times we laughed, all those times we cried, all those times we sang, all those cigarettes we smoked, all the times we adored.

When we were all together, being together, when some of us were actually together, remember that? Shake of the head. Times we never thought would end, but they did.

Then one of us died, just like that, out of the blue, and all of those times ended there and then, never to happen again, not without Ben. And we all came together, all us friends, and we remembered, everything, again.

We talked late into the night, like we were once again alive.

All those magical times, when life was a natural high, and we thought we could fly? 


How did they end? 

All those times, we loved, that we talk about like god, or the reverence of first love, when we found our lives? Us guys?

Life got in the way, there are things we have to do today, that is not play. Adult things, up early, the daily slog, to pay our way. It’s a shame.

Life should be a game. One you win. With glory. And whim.

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