Thursday, 25 July 2024

Emergency Cubicle 21

Depositories full of broken people 

Waiting in the half dark for their turn, 

As the able bodied rush about 

Trying to bring their turn about sooner.

It almost looks exciting out there

In here, I’m fighting off despair

What the fuck!

Something with my heart, they say,

Let me go home,

And perhaps the pain might just go away.

But, no, I have to stay. For how long?

We don’t know. We’ll run some tests,

Take some blood. We’ll stick this needle

permanently in. And,

we’ll attach this to your skin,

here, here and here. The machine 

will beep into the night. Try and sleep.

Wake up, I’ll do your vitals.

Really, what time do you make it?

The middle of the night, put this around your arm.

You have an enzyme in your blood. Try and stay calm.

Blood sugar high. Excellent BP, though.

You had a minor coronary event,

Probably nothing about which to lose sleep,

You’re in good hands. Get some rest.

No, you can’t go home just yet.

Monday, 15 July 2024

You Nearly Saved The World

Something bright orange,

And really fucken fat.

How could you miss, answer me that?

Sunday, 14 July 2024

All Of Us Friends 02

All those moments, all those friendship moments, when we had brilliant times together, all of us friends, over the years, all over the world, that passed, and are gone.

And the years sailed by, and they’re done and they’re over, all we have is what we remember, only fragments now.

Fleeting images of, all those times we laughed, all those times we cried, all those times we sang, all those cigarettes we smoked, all the times we adored.

When we were all together, being together, when some of us were actually together, remember that? Shake of the head. Times we never thought would end, but they did.

Then one of us died, just like that, out of the blue, and all of those times ended there and then, never to happen again, not without Ben. And we all came together, all us friends, and we remembered, everything, again.

We talked late into the night, like we were once again alive.

All those magical times, when life was a natural high, and we thought we could fly? 


How did they end? 

All those times, we loved, that we talk about like god, or the reverence of first love, when we found our lives? Us guys?

Life got in the way, there are things we have to do today, that is not play. Adult things, up early, the daily slog, to pay our way. It’s a shame.

Life should be a game. One you win. With glory. And whim.

Saturday, 6 July 2024

All Of Us Friends 01

All those moments,

All those friendship moments,

When we had brilliant times together

All of us friends,

All over the years, all over the world,

That passed, and are gone.

And the years sailed by,

And they’re done and they’re over,

All we have is what we remember,

All these years later.

Fleeting images of,

All those times we laughed,

All those times we cried,

All those times we sang,

All the times we adored.

When we were all together,

Being together,

Times we never thought would end,

But they did end.

Then one of us died,

just like that,

and all of those times ended then,

And we all came together,

All us friends,

And we remembered

All those times,


All those magical times,

Remember those times?

All gone.

How did they end?

All those times,

We loved.


Friday, 5 July 2024

Just Always

I write because it is a need in me,

it has always been there unquestioningly.

The only thing that changes it is my inability

to get it out, to take the time to say it.

Not knowing what I would later come to know,

my own role in what I want to say.

You know, just write it, and worry later,

if it is good, worthwhile, interesting, or just okay.

Of course, I worry if it is good, or bad,

or if it makes me glad, or sad,

or if it looks good on the page, 

you know, appealing to the eye.

The way the words congregate together, 

dance, or just stand around, live or die.

And yes, I want people to read it,

and laugh, or cry, except mostly 

they will simply ask me why?

Which, of course is okay, but you know I’d rather,

hear them say, “this bit is good,” or 

“I liked what you did there.”

They are the best bits, for sure, but failing that,

I don’t really care, as I will go on writing,

as long as I am breathing air.

That much I know to be true and fair.

Thursday, 4 July 2024


Winter is cold.

Unexpected East Coast chill,

they say. But it is July,

mid winter, what were they expecting?

A heat wave? If we are going to have a chill,

it would be this time of year! I wonder,

why do they think it is unexpected?

The air is bitterly cold, outside.

It is true. I don’t need the weather service

to tell me what I already know. 1 degree,

they say. Feels like zero, they say.

But temperature is all feel, what

is the difference, I think?

Wednesday, 3 July 2024


You can’t jerk off with Long Johns on

You can’t get a good grip on your long john dong.

You can’t stretch out your stroke,

which you need to if you’re a bloke.

It’s a truth, we may not want to speak of,

but we shouldn’t treat such things with kid gloves.

Boys will be boys it is true of all time,

and getting your long johns off for pleasure is not a crime.

In fact, it is probably good for you,

otherwise, the stuff is possibly going to set like glue.

Get it on, and give those pipes a flush,

it will make you feel better, like oh so much.