Thursday, 10 March 2016

Showing Bulldogs in Bendigo (a.k.a. racists in Bendigo)

They show bulldogs in Bendigo

And somehow pretend

That their views of fear

Benefit mankind.

They pass off their ignorance

As caring for their fellow man,

All the time putting “different” down,

For what reason, who knows?

They make a big deal

About people who burn the flag,

As if that means anything at all.

asking for laws to be passed,

that suit their world view.

They don’t like what “they” wear,

especially if it covers “their” hair,

the god “they” follow

they only like theirs, which is shallow.

They don’t like “their” food,

They don’t like “their” mood

They don’t like “their” beliefs

They say are crude.

It is with great concern

That they speak out for the truth,

Their white, middle class

Anglo Saxon ignorant remarks,

That somehow becomes a fear

Of anybody not like them,

Even though they’d deny it

To the very end.

They put down anybody

with who they don’t agree

speaking double talk

so understanding can’t be achieved,

which they wear as a protective cloak,

accusing the accuser

of the crimes they commit,

so they never have to

give an explanation

to which they have to submit.

They are ignorant of their ignorance

But I’m sure that suits them just fine,

They don’t want to understand,

They just want to react, and stay blind.

Anybody who goes into reasons why

Deeper than they are comfortable with,

They claim not to understand,

Bleating social engineering, of the worst kind.

And from all of this ignorance,

From all this fear they make a stand

As they show bulldogs in Bendigo

Aint that grand.

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