The truth about climate change
Is really very simple,
Due to our collective inaction
And conservative political lies
We are all going to die.
The truth about climate change
Is really very simple,
Due to our collective inaction
And conservative political lies
We are all going to die.
The ride with you
was worth the fall,
for a time there we knew
what is was like to stand tall.
Worthy of love.
As I crossed the city street,
As I headed to my office, this morning
there were chumps waiting at the lights,
like a flock of sheep standing there,
eyes blinking in the morning light,
the road shut down for road works
no traffic to be seen in either direction.
Incredible, I thought, as I sashayed across,
perhaps with more confidence than was really necessary.
So halfway over, I turned and yelled back at them
"What are you standing there for, there is no traffic."
Mostly they looked uneasy and shuffled on their feet,
they looked uncomfortably from one to the other.
Two made tentative steps to cross the street,
one proceeded, but the other stopped again
when she saw that none of the others were following.
We can look at a house on the other side of the world,
We can make music come out of speakers with no wires attached,
We can fly to the moon, see beyond Pluto,
We can find dust from the big bang still flying in space,
We can take your heart out and give you a new one,
But, we can’t stop men killing the women they love.
It has become such a weasel word
Giving people something they think they deserve
Some sort of automatic right
To be treated in a certain way.
But, if you have to demand it,
It just means you are probably not
the kind of person who deserves it.
With respect,
I'm not at all sure
You know what it means.
Paying rich women to have babies –
When over population is going to destroy us,
12 billion is the next unsustainable milestone
When half the world is starving already,
Or dying from lack of water
And millions of people are displaced
And we don’t welcome them, to our disgrace.
– Is everything that is wrong
With the world today
Sometimes I worry
that I only write poems of ugliness,
there is no beauty in them,
just the worst of humankind
and decline.
My stock in trade
what can I say?
The world is in decay.
Bush fires burning,
climate change yearning.
Hope in us all stalling,
the planet is falling
Politicians Fawning,
country people dawning.
The country is on fire,
Scott Morrison is a liar,
(And nobody wants to shake his hand)
The future looks dire,
we’re all being consigned to hell,
because of politician's promises
that will only benefit them in the end
The human race
is now a jet airliner
going into a death spiral,
while the passengers
are still wanting cocktails
from the cabin crew.
We must respect all religions... and all their stupid gods.
We must respect all religions... and all their stupid gods.
We must respect all religions... and all their stupid gods.
In the same way they respect those who don't agree with them.
Not happy...
There must be someone to blame!
Openly gay,
as though it needs to be clarified,
implying there is a preferred option,
like ‘it’ shouldn't be.
You know, it might scare the kids.
Like it might be the exception,
as though there was another choice.
An inferred trigger warning,
up front this could be a problem.
We better get it out in the open,
for all those who might be offended.
When the rest of the world is free
why shouldn’t you be
Chinese society?
Dictated to,
for old men’s political glory
why should you be used (so poorly)?
Poor old George Pell
accused of fiddling with young boys,
welcome to hell.
Allow me to show you around.
What's that frock you're wearing,
you look like a clown.
That old book? You can put that down,
it didn't do you much good when you were up there.
We're much less judgemental down here, don't despair,
we're much more, let's say, laissez faire.
Rotten old Alan foul mouth
got into a bit of a stoush
when he said wouldn't it be grouse
to backhand the NZ prime minister about
Then when people turned around
and said that would not be grand,
instead of shutting his vile hole
He doubled down claiming, "trolled!"
"I'm taken out of context," he screamed
but to all of us reasonable ones, it seemed
no misunderstanding was at all heard,
you said smack her one, don't be absurd.
Shove a sock into her gob,
was, it seemed, our prime minister's job.
Jacinta telling the truth about climate change,
got old Alan sneer face seriously deranged.
Now Vile Allan can't shut his trap,
on and on and on she yaps.
Scratching and clawing at anyone,
who dares to say the old bitch is done.
I smoked all day,
happy smokes,
if you know what I mean,
then I slept all evening.
The boyfriend rolled his eyes,
shook his head,
then he sighed and hissed,
“I didn't sign up for this.”
Who does he think
he is
encroaching upon
my bliss,
like this?
I have to keep him
happy though,
it is my job
being in love
with him, you know.
30 years and it will be over,
who'd have known?
But that is my entire young life,
the young guys say.
Life isn't always fair,
ain't that the truth.
And you only get one turn.
Grin and bare
it, commit to
it, because that's
all you get
no returns,
no repeats,
you’re living it now,
don’t look around
and say
I didn’t know,
because it will go.
or disease,
it all goes
the same way,
come what may.
You are missing it
as you regret it,
so head up
and concentrate.
This is it.
The truth
is a commodity
in which
the world
has ceased
to trade.
Now it is
and misinformation
and lies
that fuel the world,
Anything to get ahead.
And then we wonder,
open mouthed,
what really is
the problem
with society
Heaven is the perfect con,
it can never be proved to be wrong.
The perfect crime
it can never be denied.
Eternity, or whack,
nobody is ever coming back.
When we are rotting under ground
you can't return with anything profound.
And fools can continue to believe
apparently, there is comfort in being deceived.
If no one
is left alive
who lived your life
with you,
did you ever
really live?
We are just another
animal species
on this planet,
nothing more, nothing less,
albeit with allusions
of grandeur
and a penchant for destruction.
Love is
waiting in the rain
and naming each water drop
to pass the time.
Love is
coming home
and feeling safe
like you don’t feel any other place.
Love is
walking on air
and not giving a care
people seeing you a foot off the ground.
Love is
calling someone honey
and not feeling
self conscious about it.
Love is
eating ice cream in winter,
and eating a roast
in the summer heat.
Love is
Love is
Love is
never having to say sorry,
but saying it anyway
without giving it a thought.
Love is
a Sunday dinner.
Your warm hand in mind.
Watching the sky change to night.
Love is
only having eyes for the sweet ugly boy,
and thinking he is the most
handsome man in the world.
Love is
the passing of time,
and not knowing
where the years went.
Love is
looking back
and not wanting
to change a moment.
The people are angry
because the conservative politicians
transferred all the money
to the richest people in town.
And all the gains got,
after surfs and feudal lords,
were apparently lost.
History wiped away.
So, what do the people
do with their anger?
They focus it into
angry groups, an angry world.
And the best angry groups
are the fascists and the racists
where the people can be angry
without any fear.
The rich don't care anyway
because they never cared anyway,
so, then the people are angry
with the people not like them.
And this group fights that group,
the children watch it and learn hate,
while the rich build bigger walls,
as it has nothing to do with them.
And the true irony is,
that the people still want to be the rich,
they aspire to be just like them,
forgiving them for everything they've done.
Thank god, or whatever spirituality
has conned you into believing,
that what was meant to be will be,
everything happens for a reason.
But you don't want to be the poor poor,
thank the universe we're not the poor poor,
we wouldn't want to be them no way,
and we can't help them anyway.
Wake up, Sunday Morning.
What have we done
I immediately think?
What did they do
I correct myself?
What happens now?
Electing a political party
that has no policies,
and no heart,
just the love of the dollar,
and themselves.
and their ideology.
They love their ideology
above everything else!
It is coal, they say,
to make the lights work.
Fuck the planet,
climate change is crap.
And stuff the poor,
they are not us,
after all.
My voice,
my still small voice,
will tell me what is right,
even when there is nobody present
to witness my behaviour.
I don't accept
that who I have sex with
is important to you,
just because you
choose to believe
in a 2000 year old myth.
Choose not to believe
in your 2000 year old myth,
if who I'm attracted to bothers you,
because I can't change
who I love.
I won't change
who I love
to make you
feel comfortable
with your choices.
Actually, if you want to know
what the truth is of
what I think of your disapproval,
I can put it very simply,
fuck you!
Some days, I wish I was dead,
get it over and done with,
avoid the pain of old age, and decay,
finish it for good.
Some days, I read about people's deaths
and I feel envious of them,
they are the lucky ones,
nothing to worry about now.
Some days, I think it is a struggle,
and I'm one of the lucky ones,
I have a lot to be thankful for,
god knows how the poor get through?
Some days, I think about the God delusion,
it must be comforting giving up free thought,
not having to worry about life,
just follow myth obediently, unquestioning.
Some days, I think about the future,
and think, how many years do I have to do this?
It was great when I was young,
everything seemed new and, kind of, fun.
Some days, I am bored out of my mind,
the best years of your life, they say,
I laugh, every day just repeats,
and then you die.
Some days...
I don't want to live in a world
where every day
is declared a national emergency
because the nightly news
has to make its ratings.
Australia Day,
when privileged white folk
congratulate themselves
for a life well lived,
while the indigenous people,
the poor,
and the homeless,
live rough,
locked up,
or hungry.
God is
my parents,
and their parent’s,
God is an anxiety blanket,
we forgot to put down as adults
God is relief,
I don’t have to think.
God is delusion,
only my god is true?
God is Santa Clause,
21st Century.
God is everything,
some say.
That’s code for nothing,
let’s face it.
Life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease,
I know this is glib, but it is not far from the truth.
Four score years and seven seems like a lot,
and for the first score that is probably true.
But then it goes so quickly, you'd be excused
for your head spinning and a sense of disappointment
Pervading your old bones, as you creak
as you get up and walk to the grave alone.
All of your yesterday's folding up and collapsing
like an origami narrative disintegrating and falling to dust,
lying like soft ash under foot,
the only evidence that you ever were.
Big blow, fffffffff and you are gone,
and everyone you knew before you,
shadows in your memories
all fading to black. Dust, we all become.