Saturday, 30 June 2018

Lift Etiquette

Don’t you hate it

When at the last minute

A hand comes around

The lift door 

and stops the process?

I freely admit

I am a lift nazi.

And it drives me to distraction!


My inner voice screams

Whenever I see that self-satisfied face,

Sliding into the lift with the rest of us,

As if it has achieved something,

Right there at the last minute, no fucken fuss.

Wednesday, 27 June 2018

No Longer A Fair Go in Australia

Australia used to be

The land of the fair go

But that's gone now

It drowned

In the sea of self focus.

I only agree

With a fair go for 'we'

If I get more

Than you,

Then it is a fair go

I can get into.

Fear has replaced hope

Because it suits the politicians

For us to all believe

the country is broke,

Then they can give the spoils

To the people

Who pay them

The most.

We are governing

For everyone,

Which is true,

If you understand

'Everyone' is them

And the rich

They are,

Or wanna be.

You got nothing

That's because you are lazy

And you just don't

Try hard enough.

A bad life

Full of strife

Is an inconvenient truth

For the silver spoons

In charge.


Monday, 25 June 2018


Life isn't always fair

And the good don't always win

Sometimes the strong succeed

Not the worthy.

And sometimes it is the corrupt

And you have to suck it up

And proceed.

Karma is just an expression

To make us all feel better.

Sunday, 24 June 2018

USA Today

Americans like racism, and gun violence

But they can’t abide nudity, or blood sausage.

And don’t say toilet, when you mean ‘bathroom’

They might accidentally picture something,

Presumably, who the fuck knows?

Like Americans generally,

A mystery, to us all.


Saturday, 23 June 2018

Religious Freedom 003

The religious

Want freedoms,

In their heads

It can’t not

be about them,

because they have

god on their side.

You know its


this idea

of god

creating the world,

then 800 million

years later

creating man,

then 200 thousand

years later

God sent his son

to tell man

how it’s done.