Friday, 23 September 2016

It Is Hard To Care

Do I really care?

It is hard, I declare?

The uninformed have got a voice,

swept up in political power,

demonising the disenfranchised,

worshiping fear,

bringing out the worst in people,

and the worst is winning.


Come on planet,

snap and take the selfish down,

take the deniers, take us all,

We have lost the right to rule.

Ten seconds to midnight,

five seconds to midnight.

Human beings are too stupid

to live,

shitting all over their own world.

Saturday, 17 September 2016



we all say we want it,

not many of us get it,

not enough time for it,

most of us wouldn't like it

even if we had it,

it is just something to say.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Smile for the Camera

Smile for the camera

with your best blouse on.

Switch to your camera face,

no matter what is going down.

Don’t think of your uncles fingers,

or yesterdays sad dinners,

that you are not a winner,

your lost puppy,

or that you are grumpy.

Look happy

stand straight

don't frown

never pull a face

you look like a clown.

Three, two, one,

everybody smile.

Don’t squint in the sun,

try not to freeze,

say cheese.

This is forever,

you know,

this split second

on show.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


Let's have a crack

with this and that,

a cat on a mat

how about that?

Does that take you back,

when you first had a crack?

Sitting on mats

in a circular group,

at a table with pencils,

the sun always shining.

The cat was black,

the story was a hack

and that mat,

did I mention the hat?

There we sat, empty vessels

waiting to, wanting to, learn.

Innocents etched on our faces as we sing,

that's MY crayon, so much to take in.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016


The poetry magic seems to have dried up for a time,

I will certainly let you know once it comes back on line