Friday, 5 August 2016

The Truth About Karma

I don't believe in Karma

there are too many successful cunts

in the world for that to be true,

but what can you do?

Be nice to your mum, she’s your number one fan,

She’s the one who’ll always tell you you can.

Be nice to your enemies and your doubters too,

as they don’t care how many ulcers you self inflict,

if you hurt yourself, if your wings get clipped

what path you tread, if you succeed or trip.

Stop for the ducks crossing the street with her chicks,

give to the poor, be nice to the sick,

think of the world with kindness ,

give a smile, forgive those who act with blindness,

help little old ladies, admire the brave.

Let the Golden Rule dictate how you behave.


Thursday, 4 August 2016

Kindness is the Meaning of Life

I hope life treats you kind

and you have all you dreamed of,

you are never short of friends

and you feel love

from beginning to end.

Do everything with kindness

and the sun will shine

over you forever.

Be kind to those you meet

and be kind to yourself.

And be kind to the world

it will treat you better that way.