Sunday, 31 July 2016

They’d Sell Their Grandmothers

They'd sell their grandmothers

Down the river for money,

And then deny it

Three times,

If that’s what it takes,

Even with CCTV footage

They'd say no,

Even when the old lady

Cried out in pain

And asked why,

Eye to eye,

They'd say it wasn't true

As they sliced her in two

The simple truth of the human being,

All but a few

Good men and true


Friday, 29 July 2016

You Must Like Beer

No fats

No fems

No Asians

No queers

No Muslims

No terrorists

And no niggers

Or anyone from over “there”

We’re saving our way of life

(sunshine and a fair go?)

Visitors are welcome

But not multiculturalism, (irony, no)

And you must like beer

Cricket and footy

Get a nickname, get a 4WD

Plan for your kids it's your duty

I wanna see me

When I look at you

And I don’t want to smell anything but

Chicken fillets and stew


Thursday, 28 July 2016

Distracted (extended)

White noise

And all that chatter

It is good for the soul

But with writing it matters

Be silent, be still,

I mean you no ill-will

I think and I think

I can forget in a blink.

I sink

It stinks

My eyes tell my mood

And I won’t want to be rude

But fuck you!

If you continue to exude

I need quiet!

Shhh! Dude!


Saturday, 16 July 2016

I'm Walking Through Water

I'm walking through water

to get to you

the whole world, it would seem

is pushing against my thighs

as I move towards you

not even knowing

what you will say

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Spot The Dog Would Have Been Just As Great

Everybody says John Howard was a great prime minister

His come back was called Lazarus with a triple bi-pass

But he presided over such a period of boom

Lucked into times of plenty, like we’d never seen,

That I am sure you could have put up Spot the dog as PM

And Spot the dog would have been thought of as just as great.

Monday, 11 July 2016

State of the World

The world is going to hell

You think that is dramatic,

I can tell.

Well, let’s look at the evidence

Before us then

Where to begin?

Should I start

Before or after


Tuesday, 5 July 2016


I can’t write

When Sam is around

Another fortnight

And I’ll get something down 

Sunday, 3 July 2016


A poet must rhyme


get back to his day job

leave the mob

say something beautiful

words full

he might need some quiet

to be inspired

shut the world out

to get deep down

make the folks smile

maybe cry

fell alive


and shine.