Friday, 17 June 2016

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

The Long, Late Sun

The late afternoon sun

so bright

stretched across the ground

always reminds me

of all the people

in my life who have died

I am not sure why?

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Life Long

A few good friends

To the end

Some one to stand next to your graveside

To throw a rose

A life in repose.

Sunday, 12 June 2016

Memories of You

The sun is shining

like warm honey

dripping through

the window pane.

The smile in your blue eyes

the lullabies in your voice

the softness of your touch

I can still feel your hand in mine.

Friday, 10 June 2016


The creepy and the kooky

The ooky and the spooky

The geeky and the fruity

The workers and the suities

The clear and the soupy

Singular or troupies

Bizarantula and me.

Pom, pom, pom pom.


Can’t you see,

Bizarantula and me.

Side by side

Walking into life steadily

Able to deal with any strife

We might see,

Holding hands, if figuratively

He keeps my secrets

And keeps me safe

Standing next to me.