Thursday, 28 December 2023

Secret Of Life 101

You’re too big, You’re too small

You’re too fat, you’re too thin.

You’re too short, you’re too tall.

You’re too up, you’re too down.

You succeed, you stall.

People are going to judge you no matter what you do

So, fuck it!

Be yourself. Own it!

Be proud of it.

Because you, yes you,

are good enough just the way you are.

Don’t ever listen to anyone who says otherwise,

They are probably only saying it 

to make themselves look bright,

it is one of the secrets of life,

to learn,

to observe,

‘other’ people are absurd.

Thursday, 21 December 2023


The wind blows, outside,

somewhere beyond in the stillness, I find myself.

A transitory concept.

My body hums,

my senses numb,

I am lost in the

idea off all of this.

Ignorance can be bliss.

We should all strive more,

beyond the hubbub

and what everyone else does,

to what makes us special, unique.

A full life

is a consolation

for it having passed.

So fast, my head spins,

until, suddenly, 

I am staring at it all behind.

Why didn’t I? 

I had plenty of time too? 

I guess, I thought I had forever.

Thursday, 14 December 2023

21st Century Twats

Xi Jinping is a cunt

Xi Jinping is a cunt

Xi Jinping is a cunt, cunt, cunt,

Xi Jinping is a cunt

Putin is an evil cunt

Putin is an evil cunt

Putin is an evil cunt, cunt, cunt

Putin is an evil cunt.

Kim Jong Un is a fat cunt

Kim Jong Un is a fat cunt

Kim Jong Un is a fat, fat, cunt

Kim Jong Un is a fat cunt.

Donald Trump is a populist, authoritarian, narcissist, lying, obese, piece of orange shit set on destroying America to prop up his fragile child’s ego.

Americans may well be the stupidest race on the planet, as they look as though they may just vote Trump back into office to fuck them all over again.

And this time, it will be without lube, from all reports.

Saturday, 2 December 2023

Losing Faith

Losing my faith, well, you know, that was lost long ago, because it never made sense, to me anyway, not in a modern world.

Original sin, what? Nobody knows what that is about.

Dying on the cross, to forgive us our trespasses, that just makes arses,

of you and me. The all powerful had to kill his son, why did he do that?

Because he loved him so much? Huh? Because he loved us? What?

He made us witness that? For eternity? With no chance of reprieve?

The omnipotent, could just forgive, did he not think of that? Not too smart.

When did death ever equal love? It never did? (Only grandma kissing her husband of 70 years goodbye)

And those big disasters, what about those? We thank god for the few of us he saved, never questioning his need to kill any of us in the first place? 

You mad man! What the fuck did you do?

Then there are his representatives, pious, in a dress, fiddling with little girls and little boys? What a mess. Made in his own image? What about them? God’s image. Not too impressive.

And what about the other 4999 all powerful gods, running all the other god schemes in the world? What about those guys? Why would I not buy into their claims. 

Smart people in the world, who have studied these things, say it doesn’t matter which version you buy into, they are all the same.

“Step right up! Step right up! New and improved god bullshit for your dreams.”

Ah, no thanks, I’ll take my chances with the rest of these poor sods treading the earth.

And where do the dinosaur's 150 million years fit into all of this? Made in his own image? God is a dinosaur? That is the only bit that makes any sense.

Oh no, I don’t have any faith in your man made religion, let it sooth the masses, like the cult of Trump soothes the masses now.

He is god. 

The same delusional, ill-fitting failure of the all powerful that explains nothing, but god.

Like catching water in your hands.