Usually, one likes to think
of one’s funeral as a
reverential affair.
Where, in truth,
it is just an hour fitted
into a schedule
when most people can attend.
Usually, one likes to think
of one’s funeral as a
reverential affair.
Where, in truth,
it is just an hour fitted
into a schedule
when most people can attend.
Polly wants a cracker,
she wants a crack at Macka,
she likes the way he fills a room,
as much as he fills his pants.
She likes the cut of his jib,
she likes the point of his whit,
she likes the width of his shoulders
and the look of his thighs that thrust,
anything but slow.
She likes the kindness of his smile,
his intelligence beguiles,
his teeth are straight and white,
his personality exudes might.
But mostly she likes his deep, velvet tones
that give her a thrill down below.
Polly and Macka, she says it over and over...
...until it means something.
And she can look up from dinner
and feel something real.
There are all sorts of people
who make up this world,
some who like guys
and some who like girls,
and some who would deny
you your right to know,
for reasons they won’t
always show.
You probably should learn quicker
about those with a political agenda
than those who are "sexual benders",
because the people who deny you
your right to know,
are more dangerous than those
whose love they oppose.
My dog died, my lovely boy,
nearly 12 years old,
people say that is a good innings.
I could have had another 12, easily.
Walking in the street, like I’d be walking with him.
I see friends and neighbours come into view,
they ask where he is, just innocently.
And then I find myself comforting them.
You go out without pants on
The world is your toilet
You sniff people inappropriately
And everyone loves you.