All my life,
I’ve been waiting for a catastrophe to happen.
Can I be this lucky?
Seriously, what are we saving?
A species that always had so much going for it,
but it’s petty jealousies and greed always overwhelmed it.
Even now, when their mistakes are being pointed out to them,
far too many of them can’t recognise that they are shitting in their own nest,
to put it bluntly, as they say.
Even now, when science is pointing out their probable fate,
even now, when their very lives depend on it,
their petty jealousies and greed are getting in the way.
The human race had such potential,
is what their footnote in history will say,
a million years from now,
when a new species digs their graves.
There is a certain way the sun hits,
when it turns gold in the afternoon
and it is the physical form of melancholy
glowing all around,
filling my eyes,
making me feel all of my life
that has come before that very moment.
Me against the world,
like it has always been.
Faith is comfort in the dark
Faith is crossing your heart
Faith is getting picked last for sport
Faith is knowing you will be fine being short
Faith in being a boy
Faith you can get up and walk
Faith knowing tomorrow will come.
Faith knowing there is no life beyond this one.
Faith is having a life plan
Faith is knowing you can
Faith is believing this is the only chance you get
Faith is knowing that that idea is sweet.
Faith is the prettiest girl you have ever met
Ma fait tourner la tete
She is the embodiment of everything good in the world,
love, as in your heart, unfurled.