Thursday, 29 July 2021


Dawn, to me, used to be

A fat girl in a tight dress,

Now I see it as

The most beautiful part of the day.

Thursday, 22 July 2021


Era’s end. Eras end forever. Think of infinity.

Life is a succession of eras ending. 

Life is a series of endings. 

Good things happen, and then they end. 


No matter how brightly they once shone.

Thursday, 15 July 2021

Covid Shot

One covid shot, now just waiting for the blood clot. I wonder where is the spot? Will it be a red dot, that I got? In my veins, like red snot? Perhaps, what would help is a vodka shot? Or, some lovely pot. Oh, those thoughts I have to blot. And we'll all get through it ready, or not.

Thursday, 8 July 2021


Walking on water,

water into wine, 

feeding many with a couple of fish.


you can fool some of the people

all of the time.

Thursday, 1 July 2021

I Cry For Humanity

All the money in the world

doesn’t seem to be able to put

food on every table on the planet

despite there being enough to feed everyone.