Ultimate irony,
racists have the blackest hearts.
The blind cannot see.
Racists wearing their badge of
ignorance with pride, you can almost see
the stupidity in their eyes, when they repeat
the clichés passed down from one generation
to the next, like they actually mean something,
I can only guess, making them feel superior,
for the only moment in their lives that they do.
Left wing
Angel wing
Right wing
Chicken wing
This wing
My wing
That wing
Ring a ding
Let’s all sing
Clap your symbols
Ching Ching
Kumbaya, la la,
As the right wing
Tears itself apart
Over the latest thing
‘cause we can’t have that
As it’s a sin,
If we change things
Where do we begin.
It is too dangerous
A thing,
A slippery slope
Down which we’ll all could slip