A reasonable person couldn’t
Deny it is invasion day
History speaks of this truth,
And since nobody disputes that
It is a day for everyone,
If you are outraged by the change of day,
You are speaking for white privilege.
A reasonable person couldn’t
Deny it is invasion day
History speaks of this truth,
And since nobody disputes that
It is a day for everyone,
If you are outraged by the change of day,
You are speaking for white privilege.
No dress rehearsal
life is short, with diminishing returns.
You finally make it to 20,
the long morning of youth.
Suddenly, you are fifty,
the short afternoon of middle age.
Then you are dead,
the twilight of old age.
There are no refunds.
We will never meet again.
Cla clink, cla clink,
a D9 Dozer,
appeared through the smoke haze,
running a bare earth fire break
down along the fence line
slowing the bush fire down,
and all we had left were spot fires.
We all breathed easier.