Friday, 13 December 2019

Truth or Dare

The truth about climate change

Is really very simple,

Due to our collective inaction

And conservative political lies

We are all going to die.

Wednesday, 4 December 2019


The ride with you

was worth the fall,

for a time there we knew

what is was like to stand tall.

Worthy of love.

Tuesday, 3 December 2019

The Opposite of Lemmings

As I crossed the city street,

As I headed to my office, this morning

there were chumps waiting at the lights,

like a flock of sheep standing there,

eyes blinking in the morning light,

the road shut down for road works

no traffic to be seen in either direction.

Incredible, I thought, as I sashayed across,

perhaps with more confidence than was really necessary.

So halfway over, I turned and yelled back at them

"What are you standing there for, there is no traffic."

Mostly they looked uneasy and shuffled on their feet,

they looked uncomfortably from one to the other.

Two made tentative steps to cross the street,

one proceeded, but the other stopped again

when she saw that none of the others were following.

Monday, 2 December 2019


We can look at a house on the other side of the world,

We can make music come out of speakers with no wires attached,

We can fly to the moon, see beyond Pluto,

We can find dust from the big bang still flying in space,

We can take your heart out and give you a new one,

But, we can’t stop men killing the women they love.

Sunday, 1 December 2019



It has become such a weasel word

Giving people something they think they deserve

Some sort of automatic right

To be treated in a certain way.

But, if you have to demand it,

It just means you are probably not

the kind of person who deserves it.

With respect,

I'm not at all sure

You know what it means.