Friday, 30 August 2019

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

George Pell

Poor old George Pell

accused of fiddling with young boys,

welcome to hell.

Allow me to show you around.

What's that frock you're wearing,

you look like a clown.

That old book? You can put that down,

it didn't do you much good when you were up there.

We're much less judgemental down here, don't despair,

we're much more, let's say, laissez faire.

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Alan Jones

Rotten old Alan foul mouth

got into a bit of a stoush

when he said wouldn't it be grouse

to backhand the NZ prime minister about

Then when people turned around

and said that would not be grand,

instead of shutting his vile hole

He doubled down claiming, "trolled!"

"I'm taken out of context," he screamed

but to all of us reasonable ones, it seemed

no misunderstanding was at all heard,

you said smack her one, don't be absurd.

Shove a sock into her gob,

was, it seemed, our prime minister's job.

Jacinta telling the truth about climate change,

got old Alan sneer face seriously deranged.

Now Vile Allan can't shut his trap,

on and on and on she yaps.

Scratching and clawing at anyone,

who dares to say the old bitch is done.

Friday, 2 August 2019

Lovers Must

I smoked all day,

happy smokes,

if you know what I mean,

then I slept all evening.


The boyfriend rolled his eyes,

shook his head,

then he sighed and hissed,

“I didn't sign up for this.”


Who does he think

he is

encroaching upon

my bliss,

like this?


I have to keep him

happy though,

it is my job

being in love

with him, you know.