Friday, 15 February 2019

Moral Compass

My voice,

my still small voice,

will tell me what is right,

even when there is nobody present

to witness my behaviour.

Thursday, 14 February 2019

Fuck You

I don't accept

that who I have sex with

is important to you,

just because you

choose to believe

in a 2000 year old myth.

Choose not to believe

in your 2000 year old myth,

if who I'm attracted to bothers you,

because I can't change

who I love.

I won't change

who I love

to make you

feel comfortable

with your choices.

Actually, if you want to know

what the truth is of

what I think of your disapproval,

I can put it very simply,

fuck you!

Wednesday, 13 February 2019

Some Days

Some days, I wish I was dead,

get it over and done with,

avoid the pain of old age, and decay,

finish it for good.

Some days, I read about people's deaths

and I feel envious of them,

they are the lucky ones,

nothing to worry about now.

Some days, I think it is a struggle,

and I'm one of the lucky ones,

I have a lot to be thankful for,

god knows how the poor get through?

Some days, I think about the God delusion,

it must be comforting giving up free thought,

not having to worry about life,

just follow myth obediently, unquestioning.

Some days, I think about the future,

and think, how many years do I have to do this?

It was great when I was young,

everything seemed new and, kind of, fun.

Some days, I am bored out of my mind,

the best years of your life, they say,

I laugh, every day just repeats,

and then you die.

Some days...

Sunday, 3 February 2019

Sign 'o' The Times

I don't want to live in a world

where every day

is declared a national emergency

because the nightly news

has to make its ratings.