Political Correctness
Is the smart people
And the dumb people
Political Correctness
Is the smart people
And the dumb people
I see the world
As every colour,
And every hue,
That is the world.
To deny that
and you are a fool.
A burqa
Won’t hurt her
What does anyone else
Care anyway?
Strap a turkey
To your head
Point west
With your bed,
Eat wafers with wine
And pretend they are divine,
If that squares you off
With whatever chosen
God today.
Doorways are
the portal to people’s souls,
the gateway to their lives,
the entrance to their hearts,
the access to their world.
Doorways fire the imagination,
entrance the mind
and expand our years,
if only we have the keys
to enter without fear,
with good cheer,
and perhaps
a little dance.
Jazz hands,
Step two, three,
Take a chance.
When you die
you are dead, the end,
for all of time,
it is the most difficult thing
to really understand.
How can you
ever really comprehend,
when you can't get it
into one thought?